Mother Earth Food and Mercy Chefs Join Forces to Serve Communities in Need
Mother Earth Food and Mercy Chefs Join Forces to Serve Communities in Need

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, a partnership between Mother Earth Food and Mercy Chefs emerged, demonstrating the power of collaboration to uplift communities in need. Mercy Chefs, a faith-based nonprofit dedicated to providing professionally prepared, restaurant-quality meals during disasters and humanitarian crises,…

Passing Wisdom to the Next Generation
Passing Wisdom to the Next Generation

The team and I at Melissa Libby & Associates are reading “Unreasonable Hospitality” by Will Guidara. The book explores the power of going above and beyond in the service industry to create unforgettable experiences. In Chapter 10, Guidara emphasizes the…

Charged by a Moose!
Charged by a Moose!

I always recall this adventure around Fourth of July. It was about 25 years ago (July 3, 1997 or 1998) when Matt and I were camping in the Teton Wilderness and got charged by a mama moose. We had set…


July  Lake summers, fireflies, canoeing across the water New friends knocking on windows Green raft Stepping through nighttime paths Creaking docks and dark water and the moon’s reflection   Lobster and clams Outdoor fires Corn on the cob Waking up…

Love Yourself
Love Yourself

A friend sent me the following message last night: “If you could offer just three or four bits of advice on eating clean/healthy and total lifestyle change toward eating, what would it be? Do you do dairy? Almond milk? Ever…

Self-Care Challenge for October
Self-Care Challenge for October

As some of you already know, I’ve created a self-care challenge on our Facebook page in honor of October – the beginning of autumn, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and my son’s 13th birthday. I am celebrating with a self-care plan…

November Client Highlight- Bluegrass Hemp Oil
November Client Highlight- Bluegrass Hemp Oil

November’s client highlight is Bluegrass Hemp Oil. CBD (cannabidiol) was the long-awaited solution to Colten Polyniak’s epileptic seizures. His long journey of trials and errors with pharmaceuticals, harsh side effects, and unknowns came to an end with parents, Adriane and…

Freedom in a (Good) Budget
Freedom in a (Good) Budget

My husband and I have managed our family finances from a budget — or should I say, attempted to operate our expenses from a budget — for years. Well, we always intend to create a monthly budget, but we have…

My 10 PR Tips
My 10 PR Tips

My 10 PR Tips I’ve been busy creating my new guide “10 Steps to Increase Your Visibility” for my website and to offer those who sign up for my newsletter. Making your business known is an essential piece to the…

The Art of a Handwritten Note
The Art of a Handwritten Note

When I was growing up, we passed notes in school. Here’s how it worked – you had a clipboard with your school work on top and ongoing note to your friend underneath. You’d stealthily write when you could – during…

The Joys of June
The Joys of June

June, to me, feels full of joy. Joyful. No alarms going off at 6 AM. Birds’ songs filling up the quiet mornings. Daily garden surprises. The pool, a lake, the smell of towels dried by sunlight. Dinner on the grill….